Fire Wise
The final stage of our Eagles Nest Wilderness Project, burning piles, is now high on the list for completion by the USFS. EJ Olbright and Adam Bianchi, our Dillon District Ranger have and are in close contact. Mat Sherwood has agreed to be another direct point of contact for the US Forest Service. Marcos Pacheco, our Assistant Metro District Manager, will also be on this list so he can disseminate a WBMD-ALERT EMAIL to everyone on the list.
Please confirm with Marcos, email, that your most actively reviewed email box is on the WBMD-ALERT EMAIL list.
With input from Summit Fire and US Forest Service Burn teams, here is a Burn Pile FAQ sheet that we hope provides the details you need.
USFS FAQ sheetIf you have questions, please do not hesitate to email John Drake or Lisa Lewis:
Thank you.

Photo copyrighted © by John Longhill 2022